The D-tails of Vitamin D

The D-Tails

It's that time again for me to post another recipe that I have tried and found to be tasty. Soon and very soon I will post a pic and tell all the good stuff about it. But today I have decided to just talk about Vitamin D. I can't believe that I am sitting outside right now in my back yard basking in the natural vitamin D. Yes, the sun.

We hear the effects of getting too much sun. But if you are not protecting yourself from the harmful sun rays then you are asking for trouble. I myself love being in the sun but I also know when too much is too much. Remember to wear protective clothing and use sunscreen cream.

The time it takes me to write this blogg is all the time I need to be in the sun. There are times where I will work in my vege-garden and get my share of vitamin D that way and there are times when I lay out in my hammock and just enjoy it that way too.

Summer is slmost over and now whatever will we do? I, for one, am dreading the thought of the cold winter breeze. I so am not a lover of the winter because I just want to sit outside in my shorts and tank top just to take in all the vitamin D. Well I had to just come up with a way to enjoy it in the winter.

I figure on those cold winter days when the sun is out, I will just tak a nice walk down my drive way and back up the house. For those of you who have been to my home you know that is a nice little walk. Or maybe a nice brisk walk on the country road. Yeah right! Not in 15 degrees!

So if I can't get my portion of vitamin D in the winter outside then I must substitute it with my foods. I have found that soy, rice or almond milk is fortified with vitamin D. Oh excuse me a minute.... mmmmm the summer breeze....oh I am so sorry..I digress. Yes.... so where was I ....oh daily dose of vitamin D.

Did you know that when your skin is exposed to sunlight a compound derived from cholesterol found in the oil glands changes into a previtamin called D3? Then it breaks down further into active vitamin D that your body can use which is very important to the major organs.

Just think of your liver, kidney and bones. Just a little tid bit from Tasty Eden Treats. Now go out and get your Vitamin D!


  1. The "D-tails." That's great. I love the feeling of sunshine on my skin. I get as much as I can when I am not going to be out in the summer's rays for extended periods of time. When I am, I wear natural cotton fiber clothing, or engineered fabrics that wick away moisture and help thermo-regulate your body temperature. People often see me covered from head to toe and think I am HOT. Actually, with the right clothing, long exposure to the sun is pleasurable. But for my short jaunts in the sun, I bask in it's rays as much as possible. BTW - Many people don't realize that some of the negative effects of summer sun exposure have more to do with our unhealthful western diets than just exposure. So, be balanced; eat well; and learn the sunny d-tails.


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