Tofu in Coconut Milk

Hi Tasty Eden Treats bloggers! What can be more tasty than to try this new recipe that my sister shared with me. Coconut Tofu! I loved it and shared it with others as well. So go ahead and try this one and as always post a pic of your dish and let me know how it worked out for you.

Tofu in Coconut Milk

1 pack firm tofu, in ¼ -inch slices
1 onion sliced
vegan butter or olive oil
1/2 can coconut milk
1 carrot, sliced oblong
Baco Bits (vegetarian or vegan)
Chicken Style seasoning
Garlic Powder
Cayenne/ Crushed Red Pepper to taste
Other seasoning

1. Coat tofu with seasonings, line in lightly oiled dish.
2. Bake seasoned tofu at 400° for about 10 minutes or until firm. Tofu may not darken so be careful.
3. Remove tofu from oven.
4. Saute onions and carrots with a little of the vegan butter or olive oil, in a medium saucepan.
5. Add the tofu, stir until combined.
6. Add the coconut milk, and more seasoning IF desired.
7. Add the Baco Bits, cover saucepan and let simmer.

Serve with a green salad and yellow rice/ rice and peas, etc. Enjoy!

As always thank you for visiting and sharing with Tasty Eden Treats!


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